nowadays are becoming more of a hotel thus coining the term hospitel (hospital
and hotel) whereas improvements on the facilities and physical characteristics
of the hospital as the one of the defining factors of a good hospital.
Hospitals work more of a business than an institution that caters sick people
to recover. Well, I cannot blame the management of the hospitals because
economics and financial stability takes place. But the point is, the management
forgot one of their assets and that is their nurse and other members of the
hospital. With Dr. Ray’s Bureaucratic Theory, it is explained that these
structures in caring must be equal and all are part of the whole system.
I've been
working as an emergency room staff nurse for almost 5 years. I work in the
Philippines for 3 years and I've experienced there that nurses are only a staff
that can be easily replaceable. I remembered that I was sort of complaining of
the added things that were designated to nurses because I believed that time
that it was not a job of the nurses. My supervisor told me that if I don’t like
how things work out here I am free to leave. It means to me that the management
doesn't care if I leave or not because I am not valuable and can be replaced
easily. After reading Dr. Ray’s theory, I realized that we, nurses, are also
assets to the hospital and we contribute a lot in increasing the revenue of the
hospital. Management must also take care of their nurses as they take good care
of the other structures of the hospital.